Handmade aluminum leather bracelet cuff, geometric designed aluminum plate purple leather, silver purple cuff


Handmade bracelet cuff made from aluminum, and leather could be Men or Women. The aluminum’s geometric design is chemically etched by Beth at urbangypsychick.etsy.com . It’s etched, thoroughly cleansed and top coat protectant applied. Then I hand cut a fresh 4 – 5 oz vegetable tanned leather strap 1 9/16″ wide. Next, painted with purple pearlescence acrylics and applied a a light top coat protectant. Where the mediums meet are roughed up, glued together and riveted for further secureness. To cover those rivets and make this fabulous piece feel as good as it looks a sheepskin leather liner is installed. It is oh so luxurious feeling and very appeasing to the eye. Now the edges are beveled and sanded. Hand stitched with braided black Ritza thread. Now edges burnished to a golden perfection and entirely top coat finish to give years of protection, fashion and service.

The bracelet cuff measures 1 9/16 or 3.968 cm.

It’s adjustable in size starting with a approximate 6 1/4″ or 15.875 cm to 7 1/2+” or 19.17+ cm

This piece shows wonderfully but you have another design in mind see Beth at urbangypsychick.etsy.com

Thank you for stopping by acrossleather.etsy.com